Friday, January 10, 2020

Microsoft Access Programming

MS Access applications developed for your business are the perfect solution for many small to mid-sized database needs. Whether you are looking to create a new Microsoft Access application, upgrade, or modify an existing MS Access application, our database architects can show you how your business can get the most out of this powerful Microsoft application. Easy-to-maintain, customized solutions are your expectation and our goal. Let us show you how you can save time and be more productive with an MS Access application.

Track Important Data with Access

Access is a powerful tool used by small businesses, and within larger corporations, to create ad hoc, customized desktop systems for handling the creation and manipulation of data. MS Access is especially useful for rapid application development, often used to create prototypes on more complex projects.

It makes a great stand-alone application for workers on the road – like your sales force, delivery fleet or a field services group. Your business can take advantage of the power of an MS Access application for inventory control, information management, databases, customer tracking systems, and customer data. MS Access, combined with Visual Basic (VB) programming, allow almost unlimited customization of your application.

MS Access is RAD!

No, this isn’t a throwback to the ’80s. MS Access is especially useful for rapid application development (RAD). We specialize in creating easy-to-maintain MS Access database applications that allow your business to work smarter, while improving your overall data collection, management and analysis capabilities. MS Access applications feature forms, queries and data tables, all stored in this relational database solution. Forms can be customized to include your own corporate branding, logos and designs.

Do not abandon your existing MS Access applications until you have consulted with our application developers. We may be able to enhance your existing application, or if you find yourself with a need to upgrade to a more robust database such as MS SQL Server then we can help with that as well.

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